Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Credit Card Late Fees - A Slap in the Face from the Credit Companies

I’m not one for punishment. Don’t give me a time out, take away my toys or send me to my room without dinner. I don’t play that way. So it really gets my goat (yes, I’m trying to bring back the term “get my goat” as well as “chaps my hide” and “egads”) when the credit card companies slap my wrist with one of their late fees.

I work none stop, I’m raising a toddler, attempting to have a life so if I am ONE day late on a bill, I really don’t think I deserve to be charged with a $39 late fee, or like with my Discover card have my rate go from 0% to 22.99%!

I’ve tried calling to have the late fees and new rates reversed but in this current economy, it looks like the credit card companies aren’t being as kind hearted as they used to be. My new mantra? PAY MY BILLS WHEN I GET THEM. Not store them away in my bill pile, misplace them or let my daughter put Dora the Explorer stickers all over them. Starting today, I will pay all my bills the same day I get them.

Tips for the day:
  • Pay On Time!
  • Check Your Rate (who knows when they’ll change it)
  • Check Your Charges! (make sure they didn’t hit you with a fee of some sort)

Here are some handy articles on the topic:

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