Sunday, July 20, 2008

Day One: Canceling My New York Times Subscription

I woke up this morning with not the thoughts of sugarplums dancing in my head, but thoughts of bills doing the goosestep thru my wallet. What does my roster of bills need? Some editing. Sadly, it’s time to cut some fat from my overextended budget. First thing to go? My subscription to the New York Times.

Why do I subscribe?
1. It’s my favoritist paper in the whole wide world
2. When I read it, I feel like I’m a smarty pants.
3. I love the visceral feeling of opening the actual paper while sipping a cup of coffee. Pure bliss.
4. I’m obsessed with crossword puzzles (although by Thursday, I question my intellegence and self worth)

But it’s time to let go of that pert near $50 a month charge. I’ll be joining the masses who are now reading the paper online, for the big old price tag of free. Sadly, I won’t have access to the crosswords, but really do I need to be reminded of my lack of trivia and tidbits each and every week? (seriously, I have absolutely no clue to the answer “Creator of 1867’s “Grand Caricaturama”.)

Of course the day I announce to the world I’m canceling my subscription, the headline on page one of the NYTs is “Given a Shovel, Digging Deeper Into Debt”. Color that kismit.

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