Sunday, July 20, 2008

Intodroduction To My Debt Tome!

Initially I was going to entitle my new blog, “Debbie Does Debt”. But the thing is, my name is isn’t Debbie. Being a big fan of that old literary chestnut alliteration, it was awfully hard to resist something so D-ish.

There were plenty of liberties I could have taken with my own name with rhymes like Sunny Owes the Money or Chanel Spends Not So Well. Why Debbie Does Debt? Well my debt is doing to me what all the suitors of the Debbie Does Dallas do to her. I’m also fucked. I held off on that name of my newborn, and instead opted to name her “Debt To Me” or “Debt Tome” or even “Deb T. Tome” if you’d like. Hit me, I’m open.

So, in a nutshell, this blog is my ode to the pitfalls or in my case, chasms, of consumerism and will be based on my quest to:

a. Stop spending so much bread on other things besides, well, bread
b. Learn to live within my means and find deals on the necessities of everyday living.
c. And to attempt to get out from under my crushing, extremely heavy mountain of debt thru plots, plans and schemes.

There are a lot of us “Debbies” out there. Whipping out the plastic to obtain this, that and the other is just so easy. I blame my ancestors the cavemen, I instinctively hunt and gather but back then they didn’t have a Visa card. It’s in my blood but hopefully this transfusion in the form of this Debt Tome will cure what has ailed me.

-Sunny Chanel

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